I want you to want me...
September 12 - updating my site will be hard now that there is school but
i'll do it sometimes, so you'll have lots of stuff to look forward to. if anyone goes to this website. which i
highly doubt. losers.
In other news, my brother is going for a half year of service to Zambia!
He's leaving this thursday. i'll miss him! and not only cause he helps me with my homework. LOVE YOU MISAGH.
he'll probably be back february sometime.
In other other news, i woke up this morning and no one was home! and they're
still not home. which is weird for a sunday morning. maybe they're at a devotional? i dunno.
In some more other news, this site sucks.
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, boy or girl!
August 29 - Today was James' affirmation party! and he signed his card and it was a great party. I had lots of
fun. CONGRATULATIONS JAMES, now you've got to be a good Baha'i. Say your obligatory prayers. I would also
like to say that James' mom is the sweetest person in the world.
Who's the worst guy in the world? JAMES!
August 22 - This weekend was really fun! Right after my birthday "party" I went to Basim's house for a party thing.
i got there by, like, midnight, and we had devotions. then we stayed up all night. and went to bed at 6:30 am.
then woke up at 10 am. then we had a water balloon fight and rolled in the sand and stuff like that. then today
we went to the ex. 'twas tres expensivo. people that came to the party: Basim, Me, Ilya, Misha, James, Sandy, Gen, Alma,
Justin, Nagin. FUN. I was beat up a lot by james, and got a lot of mouthfulls of mishas socks.
Happy Birthday, over-looked middle child...
August 19 - That's right. Today is my 15th birthday. I got 4 birthday wishes today. First, my brother
woke me up to say happy birthday and hug me. then, my dad called from somewhere to wish me a happy birthday because
he's on a business trip somewhere in the U.S. probably. Then, Kelly wished me a happy birthday on MSN. Then a
friend of ours from Newfoundland sent me one of those e-cards. That's my update for today. Today is the most important
birthday of my life, and I'm stuck at home, alone, updating my website! oh well. Have fun!
Not Good enough, F - -!
August 18 - I'm updating again today! wow! I don't actually have anything to put up though, so there's really no point
in updating. My Birthday is tomorrow. Oh, and Melody just told me she has a new baha'i ottawa dance group, no doubt
inspired by the Chelsea dance group that performed for the junior youth of ottawa a few days ago. And the Sector 2 feast on friday will be at my house.
and at the end there will be cake, kinda for my birthday. One more thing: does anyone actually go to this site?
I don't think they do. I don't really have anything impressive on this site. Dag.
Sorry Guys!
August 17 - hahaha....sorry for not updating for more than a month...hehe...er...ok
well, here is what happened in that month:
1. I went to camp! ROBSI! yea! I was a CIT and it was sooo much fun
cause a whole lotta cool people were there, like nika and martha and kristen and veronica and andrea and gabrielle and jeff
and shoghi and ilya and a lot of other great people. BUT some people weren't there, like misha and james. other
than that, it was a great week!
2. I went to warped tour in montreal! it was a lot of fun. I
saw Anti-Flag, Flogging Molly, Billy Talent, and some other bands. it was raining all day too, so when it finished, we were
all covered in mud. I went with Emily, Oliver, Maddy, Ella, jjesska.
3. My Birthday is on the 19th. I'll be turning 15 (and i'm signing,
baby! ya!).
4. The junior youth teaching project! It was a great success.
i wasnt there for the dance workshop. i heard it was good tho. I was there for the fireside and coffeehouse.
both incredibly fun.
So, my point is, I really had no reason to not update the site.
sorry! Then again, i dont even think anyone comes to this site, so its ok.
Time for your happy shot!
June 16 - Summer is here :) I finished my last exams today, and now summer is here! woooohoooo! And camp is coming
up! and I'm a CIT! wooooo! And it was Kelly's birthday yesterday I think! HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLY! Ok I know I havent updated
the site in a while, but this is why:
1. I went to New York Thursday for my uncles wedding, and didn't get back till Monday.
2. I had to study for my English and Geography exam.
3. That's it really.
Ok yea, so I'm really excited about being a CIT at camp. but bummed that all of my friends will be at canoe trip
instead :( Please be a CIT with me people! Ok that's all. See ya.
Woops! My fingers were stuck in an insulting position!
June 6 - Today was pretty boring. I went shopping with my mom and bought a dress
for my me to wear at my uncles wedding. If you know me at all, you'll know that i don't like shopping. Whenever
the ladies at the store asked me questions like "What sort of design do you want?" "what colour should it be?" or "what size
are you?", i had no idea how to respond. Anyways, we eventually found a "nice", plain, black dress. i got some
black shoes too. I'm looking forward to dressing up. (if you can't tell, i'm being sarcastic.) ok bye everyone.
Sorry! Musta got a toenail caught in my throat!
June 5 - The Dickinson Day Parade was yesterday and it was FUN FUN FUN! Sir was there, and he ran away from me,
and then I had to chase him. Then me and Misagh (Misagh and I, whatever) went to a youth ruhi do all the books thing,
encouraging people to do all the books. Then I went home and went to bed. Today is the continuation of Dickinson
Days. In "downtown" Manotick there are a whole buncha booths and stuff. I might go, but I'm way too lazy.
Its a whole 20 minute walk from here!!!! Anyways nothing else to say except that Manotick rules. Have fun! Oh
yeah, and I've now been a vegetarian officially for more than a year!!
Either sign my guestbook, or punch me in the face!
June 3 - You guys need to sign my guestbook! SIGN!!!
In other news, Dickinson Days is coming up soon! Hooray for parades in Manotick! The Baha'is have a float
this year, and its gonna rule cause the Brown's are gonna be part of it :) By the way, Martha should come to Bell, instead
of going to Sir Stupid Boredom. And teaching How To Be Stupid 101. Ms. Brown. Ok gotta go now have fun!
Some people has websites. Mahtab has a website.'s is the best.
June 2 - Well, school is almost over and I couldn't be happier. Most of my summatives are done and tests (except
for the exams) are basically finished! I can't wait till summer...I need time to do stuff! Anyways thanks to everyone
for checking out my site. And double thanks to everyone for signing the guestbook! I really dont have much else
to talk about. Oh, by the way, you guys need to send me pics! ALL OF YOU! send me pictures. yea, you. reading
this. send me a picture so i can put it in my album. You'll be famous. whenever someone sees you on the
street, they'll be like "Hey, thats the dude/dudette on mahtab's site!" and you'll be like "Shut up, kid!"
There goes the thnikkaman.
My Website is noh hush a bush push Leopold.
June 1 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATRIONA! I hope your birthday is a celebration
of the anniversary of the day you were born, and not the minute. or something.
anyways, on to buisness. Thanks to everyone for signing my guestbook.
The goons will not be sent after you. all of you that haven't signed yet...rraarrggh ok gotta go now. check back
Space PEOPLE! They come from outer space! We am spase peepole. May
29 - Today is the Ascension of Baha'u'llah. we must suspend all work. In other news, its my mom's birthday. everyone say happy
birthday to Mahtab's mommy! LOL ok everyone you've gotta see this. The funny thing is that he's serious! And he probably thinks
hes awesome. Thank you Chuck for giving me the URL: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/spacepeople.shtml
Please leave your valuables under the seat and exit to the right...
May 28 - again - ok its around 10 pm right now and I should probably get to bed cause the Ascension of Baha'u'llah deal
starts in like 2 hours and we gotta stay up till 4 am...etc...OR I could just stay up till then ya know but i can barely keep
my eyes open now...ok yea, i'm going to bed. Oh yea and I added James's's site to my links. go to his page, he's
one of the coolest guys i know. And I'm in the new Baha'i Canada, the one with the peacock on the front (pg 44)
just in case you can't wait to see me and you must look at my picture or something. it looks like i just woke up in
that picture...probably cause I had just woken up. woah okay nuff typing time to get some sleep. Keep on tranglin'!
May 28 - Our geography class went on a field trip today, and we went to gatineau park and CHELSEA!! I made plans to meet
up with misha, but they exploded, so i ended up not seeing him. that's ok though. I'll get him next time.
also, I have a bunch of bug bites. See ya later!
The Beginning
May 27 - ok new site is up and running. I know I make a new site like once every 20.5 seconds, but this one is
for real...seriously...