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Awesome Friends
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I have cool friends.  Here's just a small list of them.  If you want to be added, and you aren't already here, just email me with a picture.

First we'll start with...Baha'i Friends.


I'd have to say Ilya is one of the coolest guys I know.  I probably met him at ROBSI...or Baha'i classes...i dunno...well it doesnt matter, just that I've known him for more than 5 years and he's cool.  He lives in Chelsea.  I recently attended a sleepover party held by Basim, and he was there! (Don't worry, chastity was practiced so much, plus there was a chastity stick.)  I can't believe how awesome this guy is.  Every Baha'i should be like him.  He's so devoted to ROBSI too.  He was one of the best counsellors at camp this year, other than the fact that he caused about 10 children to get more than 1 wasp sting.  It was all his fault.  But that is also not important.  This guy is cool.


Misha is Ilya's younger brother.  I'm pretty sure I met this one at Baha'i classes before I met him at camp.  He plays guitar in some band with a few other guys.  He used to be really short, and now he's a lot taller than I am.  He also lives in chelsea.  I've known mish for about...7 years.  Maybe more.  That's not important.  The point is that this guy is a lady's man.  no wait, that wasnt the point.  but its true.  the REAL point is that hes awesome.  And that his feet smell.  And his feet were in my mouth a few times.  which was gross.


James also lives in Chelsea.  I've known him for about as long as I've known Misha.  James is a really short and tiny guy.  I'm a lot bigger and stronger than him.  Really.  What a short...guy....hey, guess whos the dumbest guy in the world? JAMES! at Basim's party, I beat this guy up so bad.  I would also like to add that he did not beat any of the everloving snot out of me.  He also exploded in a big fiery ball that was visible from space.  Ok, so back to James....He plays awesome guitar in the same band that Misha is in i think.  AND I HATE HIM.  haha no i dont, hes actually really awesome.  And my opinion of him will never change, no matter how many times he sits on me.


Basim is really cool and short.  She lives in Orleans..i think...and it takes a really long time to get there from my house.  she held a really awesome party a while ago, and a whole buncha awesome people were there.  We celebrated our coolness together.  like a family.  and there was a chastity stick.  There aren't enough words to describe Basim, and her awesome mom, whom i love, so I'll just say this: When we have babies, they are going to be black.  Genetically it makes sense, cause...we're both...persian?  oh, and when basim and ilya have babies, they will be Chinese.  That makes a lot of sense cause Basim is persian, and Ilya is half persian...and...umm....ok well i love basim.


This little guy is the chastity stick.  He's pink and has stuff glued to him.  Whenever someone is being inappropriate to a member of the opposite sex, they get a good whack with the chastity stick.  I would like to mention. that James did NOT beat me up with this thing...ahem...this guy is good for co-ed sleepovers, where chastity is practiced to the extreme.  KEEP IT CHASTE, PLEASE!


Melody is probably the only person that ever looks at my site. ever.  That's why shes cool.  I've known melody for a long time.  perhaps longer.  the point is she has her own site: visit it!
yay melody!


Martha is possibly my oldest friend.  yeah, she is.  I've known her for...9 years?  we used to have sleepovers, and mud fights (don't ask) and Mahtab's Living Room, come join the fun!
Then she moved to Toronto, and got a porcupine.  or a hedgehog.
But then she moved back, but to dumb nepean.  And she isnt even going to Bell, or planning to go to Bell!  But i love her.  Her hair tries to strangle her in the night.
And Jeff is also in that picture, so i will say some things about jeff.  he is wearing pink.  I haven't known him that long, and i don't know him that well.  But he's semi-cool. He lives in Ingleside, which is nowhere as far as I'm concerned.  Enough about Jeff.


I call Veronica Vronnie.  She is one of the few people that I have given a nickname too.  I've known her and her awesome family for so long now.  But they moved to Saska-dumb town.  I miss her.  She's so cool.  We used to play hide and seek in her basement.  She is hot in this picture.
Now that we're using this picture, I may as well comment on Lydia and Chloe(DOTS!) Well, chloe isnt in this picture.  should i get a picture of her?  okay, i'll get a picture of her later. Okay, so they're both cool, and chloe goes to trent i think.  and lydia is in saska-dumb town.  and i love them all. 


Red Hat Society.  I love Martha.

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